Account Settings & Privacy
How do I upload or update my resume on my Muse account?
Uploading or updating the resume on your Muse account is directly linked to applying to jobs through your account. We have two ways you can apply to jobs through The Muse. The first is when the application for the company is hosted by The Muse, and ...
How do I create an account with The Muse?
To create an account on The Muse website you need to: (1) Go to: (2) Click on the oval button at the top right of the page named: SIGN UP / SIGN IN This will direct you the Sign Up page when you can create your own personal ...
How do I close my account?
We appreciate you being a Muser user and are sorry you no longer need or want an account with us. If you're looking to reduce the amount of emails you get from us or unsubscribe from our newsletter, you can do so by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link ...
I signed up using LinkedIn and I can't find a place to change my email. Where do I go?
Unfortunately, if you signed up using LinkedIn, we cannot change your email on The Muse site because it's tied to your LinkedIn account. If you no longer have access to your LinkedIn account, we suggest creating a new Muse account as it's the easiest ...
How do I change my email address?
It's really easy to change your email address on The Muse. Log in to our site and click on the person icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and then click on "Account Settings." You'll be able to update your email address there. If ...
How do I retrieve my lost password and get a new one?
To reset your password, click on: "Forgot my Password" on the login page or click here.
Does The Muse sell information about its users to third parties?
Your privacy is of the upmost importance to us. We do not sell information about our users. You can always read our full privacy policy here.
Popular Articles
Is The Muse free?
If you're looking for career advice, to apply to jobs or learn about companies, yes! You can enjoy our articles and job listings all completely free of charge. If you're interested in working with a career coach or posting your company on The Muse ...
What should I expect from the Resume Review or Resume and LinkedIn Review services?
The Resume Review and Resume and LinkedIn Review services are a partnership with your coach. To begin, you will both review your current resume and set some goals together. Then, on their own time, your coach will do some edits, re-writing, and leave ...
How do I contact a Muse writer?
Thanks for reaching out. If you're not able to contact the writer directly via LinkedIn or Twitter, you can submit a ticket and we will forward your message to them.
How can I become coach on The Muse?
We rarely are looking to bring new coaches onto the Coach Connect platform. If you are interested in becoming a coach, though, please feel free to send us your resume, link to your coaching website (if you have one--it is not required), the list of ...
How often are the job postings on the Muse updated?
We check that jobs are still active multiple times a day based on the most current information available from our partner companies. Jobs are as up to date as possible!